Plant factory technology makes vertical farming sustainable!
Plant factory technology rapidly improves, making vertical farming sustainable enough to change the global food industry. Here is how:
The best vertical plant factory solutions right now!
Vertical plant factory development is quickly spreading worldwide, and it just got more cost-effective than ever before. Here is why:
Vertical farming costs: Maximize plant factory ROI
Vertical farming costs make or break plant factories. This is the essential list of issues to consider when planning plant factory start-ups.
What is VPD / RH? Vertical farming’s hidden success factors!
What is VPD / RH and why are they crucial for vertical farming plant growth optimization. Find out all about VPD / RH here!
Vertical farming vs. traditional farming
What is the difference between vertical and traditional farming? Pretty much everything, but together they might sustain our way of life.
Vertical farm plants: What can you grow?
Which vertical farm plants are profitable? Chose vertical farm crops carefully. Go for plants that grow vertically with ease, like these:
Vertical farming research
NASA and Microsoft is at the forefront of vertical farming research. Together, they are changing food production as we know it.